Occupational Therapy Assistant

Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy Assistant

The Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy Assistant degree at South University could prepare you to pursue work* as occupational therapy assistant. Those who work as an occupational therapy assistant (OTA) act as part of a patient’s recovery process, working with people of all ages who have physical, psychological, or developmental conditions to promote health, well-being, and their ability to participate in the important activities in their life. This includes taking care of themselves and their families, working, volunteering, and going to school, among many others. OTAs also assist their patients with activities such as dressing, bathing, crafts, games, cooking to improve strength, coordination, sensation, perception, cognition, or balance. The occupational therapy assistant program further seeks to lead the profession and community through its contributions in educational leadership, community and professional service, learning, and scholarship.
NBCOT Certification Exam Program performance data on the NBCOT certification examination is available for public viewing by state and program level: https://www.nbcot.org/Educators-Folder/SchoolPerformance.
*South University does not promise or guarantee licensure, employment, or salary amounts.
South University’s OTA program meets the requirements for state licensure in Florida and Virginia. Graduates are required to sit for and pass the national certification exam and obtain a state license in order to work in the field. (Exam names vary by program) Please refer to the State Professional Licensure Determination and National Certification/Licensure section of the University catalog for program and state specific information. South University cannot guarantee each graduate will pass the required licensure examinations. Outside agencies control the requirements for taking and passing certification/licensing exams and are subject to change without notice to South University. Students must pass the required licensure to work in their respective field.

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*Clinical, practicum, and externship requirements exist in certain programs and require field experiences. Learning formats may not be flexible.
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