To help you get a sense of what’s possible when attending the South University School of Pharmacy, here are a few of the conference activities our students were involved in in 2024!
Learning about Substance Abuse in Savannah
In 2024, two of our Pharmacy students attended the Georgia School of Addiction Studies (GSAS) 17th Annual Conference in Savannah, Georgia. The GSAS conference aims to prepare people in various fields to serve those affected by substance use disorders. Caitlyn Johnson and Juliea Sasser, both students in South University’s Doctor of Pharmacy program at the Savannah campus, each received the conference’s Dr. Gloria Jones Professional Development Scholarship to fund their attendance. The students attended with Dr. Melissa Osborne, an Assistant Professor and Academic Success Coordinator in the School of Pharmacy.
Caitlyn, who has a strong interest in research, attended several lectures on research in substance use disorders. “I learned how to evaluate programs that have been implemented to determine their effectiveness and population reach,” she shared. “This experience was uniquely special as the things learned in the lectures can be translated into other areas of research outside of substance use disorders.”
She added, “I am thankful for the opportunity to attend this conference and I know it will pay dividends into my future career with the networking opportunity and the knowledge I have gained.”
Juliea likewise saw the conference as a valuable learning and networking experience. With more than 500 attendees, Juliea met people from across disciplines who shared her interests and attended workshops led by doctors, lawyers, and law enforcement officers.
“The GSAS conference reinforced the importance of changing the stigma of addiction,” she said. “Effective advocacy involves boldly raising awareness and educating others about the real possibility of recovery, the life-saving impact of treatment, and the essential role of prevention in breaking the cycle of addiction.”

In December, numerous School of Pharmacy faculty & students attended the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition in New Orleans. The event proclaims to be the largest pharmacy gathering in the world, with over 20,000 pharmacy professionals in attendance! All students shown here presented research at the 2024 ASHP meeting.

In July 2024, South University School of Pharmacy leaders, faculty, staff, and a few students attended this year’s AACP (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy) Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. They presented a poster on scholarly endeavors and community outreach initiatives at the School of Pharmacy. They also attended many educational events, and everyone returned with professional insights and new ideas.

In April 2024, Doctor of Pharmacy students Hanna Stirn, Helen Weldemariam, and Caitlyn Johnson from the Savannah campus presented their research on Escalating Medicare Prices and National Drug Shortages: A SWOT Analysis at the Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists (GSHP) Spring Meeting in Savannah, Georgia.
Twelve School of Pharmacy faculty and students also participated in the 2024 GSHP Summer Meeting in July at Amelia Island, FL. During that event, the School of Pharmacy also hosted a reception for our alumni, faculty, preceptors, and students.
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