“South University changed the trajectory of my future,” says 2018 graduate Dr. Emily Davis (DNP, RN, CNE), who earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) at South University’s online programs. “This program and the skills I learned within it helped me to earn a position at one of the largest nursing programs in the country. [...] I have found the competence to disseminate my ideas and scholarship to make a difference for nursing students and to support my fellow nursing faculty.”

A Clinical Assistant Professor at Indiana University School of Nursing, Emily has published multiple best-practice articles and presented at various conferences. Her area of expertise is the integration of emotional intelligence training into the nursing curriculum for undergraduate and graduate students as well as faculty development. In 2021, South University awarded Emily with an Alumni Achievement Award in recognition of her contributions to the nursing field. She was also recognized in February 2021 as a DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses Honoree for her impact and enthusiasm in the classroom.
South University, Emily says, prepared her well for her role not only at Indiana University but also as a thought leader and difference maker in the nursing field, as her DNP courses and assignments taught her how to develop quality improvement projects and promote evidence-based practice initiatives. She recalls her South University instructors being supportive and motivational, and she believes she owes her success to both the South University team and those who supported her during her academic journey.
“I am so honored to be chosen as this year's Alumni Achievement Award recipient,” she says. “Thank you to all the faculty and staff at South University who supported and encouraged me along the way. I also want to say thank you to my husband, my children, and my parents for their unwavering support while I was pursuing my degree. There were many missed plans and many late nights but they continued to motivate me to the end.”
As she continues to excel in her work as an educator, Emily’s passion shines through to her peers and students alike. “I truly believe that every day when I teach a student, I find it is another day I am reaching their future patients and their future patients' families,” she asserts. “Being a nursing instructor, you want to empower your students to be the best nurses they can be. I truly wish to give my students every bit of knowledge I have so that they can begin where I ended when I left the bedside and so that they can make the best and safest decisions when they enter the nursing workforce.”
To learn more about how we can help you pursue your goals in nursing, explore our nursing programs today! Or, request information to talk with a South University representative about our programs.
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