In today's economy of always-on data management, technology is shifting and changing at a rapid rate. New technologies like cloud computing and virtualization have changed and, in some cases, even eliminated traditional IT jobs that paved the way for IT companies of all kinds. On top of that, new jobs and specialties are needed to help today's companies navigate the complex universe of information technology.
Let's take a look at five of the top careers in information technology today.
Web Developers - The vast majority of today's business and personal data is managed, used and delivered via some kind of web-based portal. Moreover, the web is becoming increasingly complex and is in dire need of talented web development professionals who can navigate this rapidly changing world. Web developers are responsible for coding, testing, debugging and deploying web-based applications for a wide range of purposes. They must be proficient in a wide range of code languages, particularly Ruby on Rails, HTML5, PHP and many other languages used to build common web applications.
Mobile Application Developers - The world we live in is also becoming increasingly mobile. Depending on what statistics you read, a large portion of you are probably reading this article from a mobile device. Mobile application developers are and will be in high demand for years to come, especially as mobile devices and technology becomes increasingly sophisticated. Mobile developers can earn anywhere from $85,000 to over $120,000 year based on their education and expertise.
Data Security Experts - Data security is among the most pressing concerns facing the tech industry. With cloud computing and social networks, data security is a hotly debated topic. This is why tomorrow's companies need to have a team of data security experts to inform them on data security policy and a wide range of other important initiatives to drive innovation forward while ensuring sensitive company data still remains protected.
Database Administrators - In the past, database administrators (DBAs) were responsible for every aspect of data management and design within an organization. Over the past few years, advances in database technology no longer require DBAs to build databases from the ground up, and many of these tasks are now automated within cloud-computing solutions. Tomorrow's DBAs will be both highly specialized and high-paying, as they will be tasked with aiding organizations in navigating the changing database management landscape. This will require a solid foundation in modern information technology practices.
Cloud Computing Specialist - We've mentioned cloud computing a few times so far. That's because it's almost impossible to have a conversation about the future of IT jobs without talking about cloud computing or "the cloud." Cloud computing is complex but also necessary for any company looking to stay competitive. Cloud computing specialists will make up a large portion of tomorrow's IT job market.
As with any career, it all comes down to preparing for the IT career that fits you. Get a jump start on your IT career by starting (or continuing) your education today.
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